Tuesday, October 05, 2010

CTS Day 1 - The hardest day

Day 1 was the hardest day (http://connect.garmin.com/activity/49742433 - note that the Garmin is about 10% low in estimating distance and time due to the tight nature of our path). 

We all started together (standard mass start) and spent most of the first half of our time in the field pushing bikes up muddy hills or through bog mud puddles in single file.  Everyone I was near was frustrated.  It opened up in the second half of the day which was much better but that’s when I started to chance riding through some of the easier mud traps.  A deep one stopped me dead and I was over the handle bars and into the mud.  This is where the spare set of gloves I was encouraged to pack came in super handy (pun intended) as my grip was suddenly compromised by all the goop 100% coating my hands past the wrist.   I also ended up falling on one knee in another puddle after a misstep and received my only big bruise of the event (luckily).  Without having done this before it was also very difficult to judge how I was managing energy levels on the first day.  However with so many dismounts fueling was easy so this did not turn out to be an issue other than a mental challenge (thanks Hammer!).

After Day 1 I cleaned the bike, lubed the chain and all was good.  The bike had performed admirably.  Great food at dinner and good conversation with other riders.  I got a couple more new trails recommended in south western Ontario in conversation with other cool participants and finished the day with a fantastic onsite massage before hitting the sack.


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