Q4. I knew it had to happen. I tried to prevent it. My existing system could play it and it would still be satisfying -- really! But Q3 just runs so fast now and regardless of how much I'm impressed that Q4 runs faster than D3 on the same hardware my expectations were high and playing on 'medium' just wouldn't cut it. I need to crank it!
Unfortunately (fortunately?) a small amount of good luck, a large amount whimsy, and a healthy (hopefully - see the bit about good luck and think $$) obsession with computing technology resulted in a recent purchase. Some new PC components which when assembled in the right order should result in a fast and appropriately geeky box.
The Recipe:
1 geek who cut his teeth on a 8086, a 286-386 upgrade courtesy of some highjinx at school, a 486 polished further than it deserved, a 586 that said geek was determined to run without a fan, a dually 686 that really reinforced this whole mod fascination (go but is now far to ugly a solution to ever let anyone else touch, an entirely too vanilla K7, and the recent acquisition of an A64 X2.
It had to happen. That BP6 kicked ass 6 ways to Sunday but was a really high maintenance machine. This X2 business makes operating a dual proc machine entirely too easy. I've got an idea. Let's 'take advantage' of the opportunity afforded by a bulk buy on the part of Home Depot and purchase a snazzy aluminum tool case ($20!) and mod it into a pimpin' portable box. Should be quiet too with all that padding :).
The Proof of concept:

Glossary of otherwise indecipherable acronyms:
Q4=Quake4 (much better than D3)
Q3=Quake3 (+DVC = Deadly Venom Clan)
D3=Doom3 (well... not quite Doom2 was it)
The 8086 Intel's first x86 processor and was used in the original IBM PC.
Skipping the 8088 we find the 286, 386 and 486 processors from Intel.
Finally we arrive at the 'Pentium' branding with the 586.
The 686 aka P6 in this case was a Celeron 366.
The K7 was AMD's attempt to market beyond the P6 and spanned Intel's competetive PIII and P4 processors.
The K8 is the Athlon 64 and represents AMD's first definitive stretch beyond Intel into the market. The fastest gaming processors you can stick in a box. This one is an X2 3800+ which represents a dual core clocked at 2000MHz but will hopefully push to at least 2.33 Ghz with some careful tweaking :).
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